
Hi, I’m Kristian Sloth Lauszus, an Electrical Engineer.

I have a passion, drive and skill set in the field of Electrical Engineering. I am currently employed at Candela Speed Boat.

My main interests are embedded devices and control systems. I also have some experience in computer vision. I am strong at mathematics, solving complex problems and computer programming. I got advanced skills in C and C++ and competent with Python, Java including Android development, Matlab, C#, Bash, Perl, Verilog, VHDL and various others.

Some of my project are presented on the projects page.

Below is a list of some of my most popular Github repositories:

  • USB_Host_Shield_2.0

    Revision 2.0 of USB Host Library for Arduino

  • FaceRecognitionApp

    Face Recognition Android App

  • Sanguino

    Sanguino add-on for the Arduino IDE, based on

  • BalancingRobotFullSize

    Code for my full size balancing/segway robot

  • LaunchPadFlightController

    TM4C123G based Flight Controller

  • PS3-Controller-BT-Library-for-Arduino

    Supports all three PS3 controllers via Bluetooth using the USB Host Shield from - This is the old version of the library. The newest one can be found at the following link:

  • ADNS3080

    Example code for the ADNS-3080 optical flow sensor

  • FaceRecognitionLib

    Library for calculating Eigenfaces and Fisherfaces in C++

  • VoiceRecognitionService

    Simple Android voice recognition app

  • BalancingRobotFullSizeAndroid

    Android app for my full size balancing robot

  • ArduinoVendingMachine

    Arduino code for an old vending machine

For more information send me an email at